Investment Advice

Reasons to Invest
Understanding your risk appetite
Capital Preservation
Income and Capital Growth
Capital Growth
Choosing an account:

Investment Accounts:
Investment Advice FAQs
The question of saving vs investing is a common one. A savings account lets you keep your money in one spot, but you’re limited with what you can do. A general investment account gives you more control and choice, allowing you to invest your money into a range of options. You have a better chance of growing your money in a GIA account. But, your capital is also at risk if your chosen investments perform poorly.
The main difference between the GIA and ISA investment accounts is tax efficiency. Gains made in your general investment account may be subject to tax if you go over your yearly allowances. A stocks and shares ISA account protects your returns from tax, but you can only put in up to £20,000 during the current tax year.
An investment is something that you buy or put your money into, with the hope you'll make a profit on it over time.
The FTSE 100 is short for the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100. The 100 relates to the UK's companies that are listed on the London Stock Exchange. It's often seen as a good performance indicator.
Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Inflation is typically a broad measure, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country.
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